Assante Connect is an online investment and portfolio management service offering...
Clients invited by an Assante advisor are able to open accounts at Assante Connec...
To open an account, you will need an invitation from your Assante advisor. If you...
After you have submitted an Assante account application, our team will be working...
Assante Connect offers a full suite of registered and non-registered account to s...
Accounts at Assante Connect require a minimum balance of $1,000 in order to be in...
Yes! If you are a Canadian citizen residing in another country (commonly known as...
Canadians are living longer than ever before, and older Canadians are increasingl...
Assante Connect uses CI Investment Services Inc. as its custodian, which means th...
What are the benefits of Assante Connect’s Savings Account? Earn 2.00% interest. ...